
Hello!  Welcome to my blog!  I am starting this blog to give me a better excuse to regularly do one of my favorite things: bake. It's also, let's be honest, a vanity project -- a place to share my beautiful gluten-free creations with someone other than my husband and my cat.  And lastly, it's cause you asked for it!  My many, MANY (read - very few) Instragram followers (consisting of close friends, co-workers and my mom) told me I should start a blog, so I blame them.
You asked for it!
If you're reading this, I'm already far more successful in this endeavor than I could ever have hoped.  So, thanks to you!  And many thanks to my loyal supporters and taste-testers for encouraging me to do this.  Stay tuned for my first recipe:  gluten-free millionaire's shortbread!
